$23.99 SAVE: $4.49
When added to holding tanks, Valterra Odorlos Holding Tank Treatment provides the naturally occurring bacteria with a continuous supply of the best alternative energy source to pure oxygen…nitrates. This eliminates the need for bacteria to target sulfate for energy, and the result is no holding tank odors. It is safe and effective for RV and marine holding tanks as well as septic tank systems.
The pre-measured 4-ounce bottles are great for quick trips and easy storage. For black or gray water holding tank systems, use 4-ounces of Odorlos plus 1-gallon of water to treat a 40-gallon tank. It is recommended to flush and empty the system weekly for optimal performance. To prevent odors/backup in a septic tank, use 16-ounces of Odorlos plus 4-gallons of water to treat a 1000-gallon tank. For portable toilets, use 2-ounces of Odorlos plus 1 to 2 quarts of water. Do not mix Odorlos with other holding tank products.
Camco TST Grey Water Odor Control - Lemon Scent, 64 oz.
Thetford Grey Water Odor Control Grey Water Holding Tank Deodorizer – 24 oz. Bottle
Valterra Odorlos Holding Tank Treatment - 40 oz. Self-Measuring Bottle
Camco 32 oz tst pro rv holding tank treatment americna pine scent
Thetford Aqua-kem fresh scent 8oz
Camco TST Grey Water Odor Control - Lemon Scent, 32 oz.
Thetford AquaBio Citrus Twist Holding Tank Treatment – 8 oz. Liquid (6-Pack)
Valterra Odorlos Holding Tank Treatment - 68 oz. Self-Measuring Bottle
Thetford AquaBio Citrus Twist Holding Tank Treatment – 32 oz. Liquid
Valterra Odorlos Holding Tank Treatment - 168 oz. Bottle